Wednesday 12 September 2012

Observing Creeps

I have been at a conference all today and have had a brilliant time observing people creeping, right up and down the hierarchy.  The conference itself was fairly middle of the road and the food was quite good.  These are the types of creeps I observed:

The hanger around.  This one lady arrived early and by that I mean several hours early.  She has a middle management position and spent the morning hanging around greeting others as they arrived and entering in to conversation with anyone above her in the organisation.

The senior percher.  One gentleman in a senior management position crept that much that he was sitting perched on the edge of his seat all the time even during the meals making sure everything went how he thought his senior would like it to be and looking very worried all the time.  He looked a little like a cross between a budgie and a meerkat.

The blatant creep.  This sort of creep is the sort I hate most and the one managers seem to like most especially the more senior they get.  These are the ones that stand right by their boss laughing falsely at everything he says and agreeing no matter how much tosh their boss is talking.  They also rush over to buy drinks for seniors and know everyone within the organisation and how to creep up to them.

The Snide.  This is another nasty one.  The sort that not only blatantly creeps, but also spends a fair amount of time belittling his contemporaries in front of their collective bosses.  

Personally I've not time for any of them or their creeping, but it is very entertaining to watch.

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