Friday 12 October 2012

Newark to Lincoln or Lincoln to Newark by Bike (catch train back)

Today I went on a really pleasant bicycle ride in the early autumn sunshine.  My route took me along National Cycle Route 64 from Dry Doddington to Newark on Trent and then on to Lincoln.  The route could easily be done from Newark to Lincoln or vice-versa and you could catch the train for the return.  The train fare is £4.50 and bikes are free; however, beware if you go on a busy day because they wouldn't let me on this afternoon.  I suppose it was Friday and the platform was full of students from Lincoln University.

I didn't clock the mileage but I would estimate it at around 25 miles.  The route is clearly marked although you will need to make sure you keep your eyes open for signs as it does snake a little in places.  At least half, if not more, of it is away from the road using old railway lines and I did it today on a road bike with only one minor section being a little muddy.  As you would expect from Lincolnshire there were few hills or ups and downs.

The scenery is absolutely gorgeous and the route passes through several quaint villages and woods and enters Lincoln along the bank to Brayford Marina.  I took my time and plenty of photos and in all it took me a little under 3 hours.  The route is easily followed on the 3 maps below or on your own ordnance survey, but make sure it's a up to date one, as the route has changed over the years.

There are plenty of places to stop and eat and benches along the route to just sit.  I finished in Brayford Marina and went to the Square Sail (J D Weatherspoon) on the water front and had a cheese and pickle multi-grain bloomer with lettuce, red onion, tomato, chips and a pint of lager for £3.99.  how do they make a profit for that?

All in all a great ride easily accomplished in a morning.

The extra leg to Newark from Dry Doddington

Leg 1 - Newark to Collingham

Leg 2 - Collingham to Eagle

Leg 3 - Eagle to Lincoln

The starting point in Newark at the Stn

The village of Winthorpe

All the road sections are along quiet lanes

A horse chestnut in autumn colour

An unusual name for a pub

The last 6 or 7 miles are along a disused railway

House boats on the approach to Lincoln

Brayford Marina

Brayford Marina

Looking towards Lincoln Centre along the Witham

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