Sunday 21 October 2012

The Last Generation to Give a Monkeys

I had the bottom off the tumble dryer today oiling the bearing, which had been squealing for a few days, when my neighbour called to borrow a saw to cut some MDF he had been given.  He was going to use it to line the inside of his shed.  I mentioned to him that my eldest daughter (14 years old) had just given me the sharp side of her tongue because I had asked her to tidy her bedroom.  Not an unreasonable request, considering she has just ordered clothes from the Internet and yet there is not a single item of hers folded in her bedroom and most of it seems to live on the floor or under the bed.  He said he had asked his lad (15 years old) to help him saw the wood and, although he had made a half hearted attempt, it was clear that he would have rather sawed his leg off then help.  It was then that my neighbour said he and I (46 years old) are the last generation that can actually fix anything or actually give a monkeys about anything.  Do you know what, he was bloody well right.

Just to prove a point, today my lad (12 years old) got up late for a hockey match, skipped breakfast because he didn't have time, took half the stuff he should have done including the wrong colour shorts and arrived late to meet for the match.  And do you know what he was the second to arrive.  Kids and anyone under about 30 years old always arrive late for everything including meetings,  They don't tidy their stuff up, they have little respect for themselves or their possessions or anyone elses for that matter, they keep their clothes on the floor and none of them could fix anything simple like a puncture or a broken shelf.  They are from a throw away generation who are happy to buy crap stuff made in China from metal with little more structural integrity than butter and would rather replace something or get someone out to fix it than actually do anything themselves.  They would rather work 3 hours to pay for a replacement than spend half an hour fixing something.

In the end my daughter did tidy her room but it took 4 hours and she watched TV all afternoon while she did it.  Can't wait to retire so I can squeeze all these little bleeders for their hard earned cash fixing the stuff they can't be bothered to do and putting up their shelves because the only tools they posses come free in Christmas crackers.

Rant over.....and relax....!!

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